Saturday, May 16, 2020

Social Responsibility An Organization - 1032 Words

Social responsibility is an ethical framework and suggests that an entity, be it an organization or individual, has an obligation to act for the benefit of society at large. Social responsibility is a duty every individual has to perform so as to maintain a balance between the economy and the ecosystems. Ethics are moral principles that govern a person s or group s behavior. I like the way Wilhelm Autischer, the CSR project manager for an Austrian business describes social responsibility by dividing it into three different dimensions, economic, social, ecological. The economic dimension, not only to help the company, but also to be able to help the industry that the company is in by raising the bar of expected behavior. The social dimension refers to internal change like the way employees are treated and how they treat each other. The third dimension the ecological dimension is an attempt to secure a healthy and productive ecological environment for future generations and the future of the company. Ethics and social responsibility are almost the same thing; ethics are more focused on the individuals inside the company. Main aspects of ethics are coming to know what is right or wrong in the workplace and doing what s right. The goal is to have a sustainable organization and to seek to implement sustainable strategies which provide them with economic and cultural benefits attained through environmental responsibility. A common response is stricter environmentalShow MoreRelatedThe Social Responsibility Of An Organization2088 Words   |  9 PagesSecrecy/ Privacy Milton Friedman made the argument that the sole social responsibility of an organization is to employ its resources and dynamism on activities that are planned and intended to increase the level of profit with the understanding that it remains within the guidelines, taking part in open commercial activities and devoid of dishonesty (Là ¤hdesmà ¤ki, 2012). However, Apple an organization operated differently from this. The company activates and functions on a secured and sealedRead MoreSocial Responsibility And Ethics Of An Organization Essay1265 Words   |  6 PagesSocial Responsibility and Ethics Social responsibility and ethics are a part of the rules and regulations that an organization must comply with in order to meet the moral standards. It is best to observe the standards of ethic and social responsibility in any type of management. 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